For the glory of God and the joy of all people

Year-end goal: $60,000

Campaign Progress: 130.00% - $78,036 (as of 12/29/2023)

As a local church, it is a privilege to join God in His mission to our neighbors and the nations.

We invite you to be a part of our annual SEND Campaign, a crucial moment for our church family. This campaign allows us to intentionally focus on, pray for, and give to our global missions partners. By joining us in this effort, you are making a meaningful impact by helping plant churches and support gospel ministries in various regions, such as Nepal, Italy, Czechia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and New Mexico. Additionally, your participation extends our reach across the United States, Europe, Asia, South America, and North Africa through our partnership with the Acts 29 Network. Your involvement is more than a mere contribution; it's a practical step towards sharing the gospel with communities around the world.

“you will be my witnesses to the end of the earth” - Acts 1:8

Virtual Giving Wall

Large Donations ($250 - $5000)

Select the number(s) for the dollar amount you would like to give. 

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Once you click “yes”, that tile will be unavailable.

Kids Donations ($1 - $50)

 Note: You will be asked to confirm your selection before being taken to checkout.
Once you click “yes”, that tile will be unavailable.

$51- $124

 Note: You will be asked to confirm your selection before being taken to checkout.
Once you click “yes”, that tile will be unavailable.